Posted in block of the week, Blockheads, fabric stash, Moda, Quilting, sewing

Moda Blockheads Block of the Week – #31 of 48

Moda FabricsDSCN1253

I love this block from Designer Lynne Hagmeier of Kansas Troubles Quilters. I chose to make the traditional block but Lynne also supplied the pattern for her layered patchwork technique. I would love to do a quilt using the layered method as it seems much easier to get points even. I was able to complete this block without having to use Jack the Ripper by using Lynne’s detailed instructions. I think the points will pass inspection, if you don’t look too close.

This block and all the others in this Quilt Along can be found at Moda Fabrics.  This is the first block of the week event I tried and it has been such a fun experience that I am now following two others for a total of three. All at one time! Sorry to say that I’m not getting as much of my other quilting done but, oh well. 🙂

Thanks so much for visiting with me.



I am a retired grandmother living in hot and sunny Florida. I spend most of my days doing what I love: sewing and quilting. I have a spoiled rotten Boston Terrier named Sami who keeps me busy mostly by cleaning up after her and refilling holes in the yard that she insists on digging and burying her toys. Of course then she digs them up and brings them into the house resulting guessed it...more cleaning. I will be posting pictures of Sami, quilts, flowers, and other things as they come along. Glad to have you join me.

18 thoughts on “Moda Blockheads Block of the Week – #31 of 48

  1. Hi Peggy,
    I would have used the traditional piecing method as well, but find the layered method intriguing. I’ve never heard of that – layering and glueing. It would add a bit of extra bulk on each point, which I’m not sure if that would be a good thing or not. Hmm. You’ll have to share with us if you give it a try. I love the gray used in this block – so different than your usual browns, but I can see that it still goes and works! ~smile~ Roseanne P.S. Your Moda link doesn’t work for some reason.

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    1. Thanks Roseanne. The dark colors are really a are a reproduction fabric in smokey purples. It does look completely different in the photo. I will check the Moda link. I probably transposed letters. Thanks for the heads up.

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    1. Thanks Cindy. Check out Lynne’s website. It looks interesting but I’m sure it would have fraying when washed with the raw edges. I would like to try it on a small quilt as a test. Lynne’s work is beautiful and it would probably make a warm and cuddly quilt.

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