Posted in family, friendship, Quilting, sewing

Traveling Sewing Pouch

My dear cousin, Tomalee, has been sewing yo-yos for many years. These are not your typical yo-yos, they are tiny-about 1″ finished. She takes them everywhere she goes so when she is stuck waiting she brings out her yo-yos and starts sewing. They are a great conversation starter and she had met many people while sewing in doctor offices.

I found the tutorial on You Tube but I cannot give credit to the maker as I lost the information.  I think Sami ate it. I will continue to search and will post an update when/if I find it. This pouch measures approximately 10″x10″ when folded and 10″x20″ unfolded. It has pockets inside on each end that I made with clear vinyl to store her little pieces of fabric, completed yo-yos,  and other things. I added a piece of felt for pins and needles and a piece of ribbon to tie on small scissors.  EDIT: I found the information and Sami was not guilty. It is on You Tube and called Quilted Sewing Organizer by Stitch Lovely Things and designed by Kea Bee.

An added note: I LOVE when people have their names (watermark?) on posts of pictures. This is great for me as I get some wonderful ideas from posts and I want to give credit. You will notice my pictures do not have my name….because I do not know how to do it. 🙂

Thank you so much for visiting. We love hearing from you.




I am a retired grandmother living in hot and sunny Florida. I spend most of my days doing what I love: sewing and quilting. I have a spoiled rotten Boston Terrier named Sami who keeps me busy mostly by cleaning up after her and refilling holes in the yard that she insists on digging and burying her toys. Of course then she digs them up and brings them into the house resulting guessed it...more cleaning. I will be posting pictures of Sami, quilts, flowers, and other things as they come along. Glad to have you join me.

14 thoughts on “Traveling Sewing Pouch

  1. Hi Peggy,
    Wow, I love this license plate fabric! Sew cute!! This looks like the perfect project bag for her to keep all her yo-yo supplies in one place. I wonder what she’s going to make with all the yo-yos? I don’t know how to add the watermark either, hence none of my photos have anything on them either. Maybe one of your followers will give us a clue! ~smile~ Roseanne

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is really cute. I was thinking of making some kind of sewing kit to take on my trip in a February. It would probably be more of an emergency sewing kit, but I also love this idea!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This looks like a really handy pouch to have around. I admire people that work with yo you and hexies. They look fun but a bit too tedious for my patience. To answer your question about photo watermarks let me share what I do with my photos. I edit all my photos through the PicMonkey app. Their app allows you to design a watermark that can be saved and added to all of your photos. Hope that helps. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Peggy – Wouldn’t a puppy paw print make a great “logo” on your photo’s?? Sami would then be the star!! Here is how I do it. I have a FLICKR photo account. In that program on line, there is a photo editor, so I choose the pictures I want to include in my blog, edit to insert my name & blog info, and change the settings from private to public. (The editor is not obvious I realized…you have to look at one of your photos, and there is a little “white box with a pencil near the bottom of the photo.) I also put them in “albums” on the FLICKR photo account. Then, when I want to include a photo on WORDPRESS, I select “from a URL after I have clicked on the “add media”. The URL is the place on FLICKR where the photo is located – in other words, go to Flickr, open the album you want, and choose the photo you want, and you will see the URL in the top line of your browser. So, essentially, my photo’s are stored on FLICKR not WordPress. All my photo editing is done on Flickr before I start my blog post. I did it this way at the suggestion of Carole Carter – From my Carolina Home blog. I was running out of FREE space on WordPress. Note; I use my cell phone to take photo’s. There is an app from AVIARY to edit on the phone, and I did that for a while, but I would rather work on the computer screen vs the small phone screen. Also, I have ALL my photos upload automatically to FLICKR from my phone (via WI – FI). They are set to PRIVATE, and when I chose a photo to include in a blog post I have to reset it to PUBLIC. By uploading automatically, it not only backs up what is on my phone, I don’t have to take the time searching for the photo I want. All my editing takes place on FLICKR before I link it to the blog post. I hope this makes sense. 🙂 Send me an email if you want more info. Mary / live2skide @ yahoo . com

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Mary. That is a wonderful idea. My son is the computer genius so I will get him to help me when he comes down. I love the idea of the paw print on the picture. Sami will want a fee so she can get credit. Lol


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