Posted in Boston Terrier, family, Life with Sami

Sami’s Weekly Update-Sami’s Side Of The Story


Mom, you know I am black, right? You know it is really dark at 6:00 in the morning when you take me outside to pee, right? You know you cannot see me, right? You know our yard is fenced in and I cannot get out, right? Then why do you start to yell for me at the top of your voice waking the neighbor and they start blinking their lights—then you blame me! 

OK. That is behind us. We will not do that again and remember, Santa is still watching. I have been very good, REMEMBER that. The little boys next door tell me that all the time. The guys that pick up the garbage tell me that too. I will be back next week with another report on how good I’ve been and how bad my mom has been. Thanks for visiting with me.

Merry Christmas everyone and thank you for visiting with me and mom.



I am a retired grandmother living in hot and sunny Florida. I spend most of my days doing what I love: sewing and quilting. I have a spoiled rotten Boston Terrier named Sami who keeps me busy mostly by cleaning up after her and refilling holes in the yard that she insists on digging and burying her toys. Of course then she digs them up and brings them into the house resulting guessed it...more cleaning. I will be posting pictures of Sami, quilts, flowers, and other things as they come along. Glad to have you join me.

10 thoughts on “Sami’s Weekly Update-Sami’s Side Of The Story

  1. Sami,
    It sounds like you have to be just a bit more patient with your mom. Santa looks for that, too – not just good behavior. Kindness to your elders . . . that is always a good thing. I can speak from the elder side of things. I am 100% sure that Santa is pleased with what he sees and hears from the elves. ~smile~ Roseanne

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