Posted in block of the week, Quilting

Moda Blockheads – Block #6


Moda Blockheads for week #6 is called Sunflower by Carrie Nelson. It was another fun and easy block to put together. I continue to have problems with my camera (or just maybe it is the photographer) but the actual colors are a dark tan for the background and the center heart, a rust color for the flower blades, and deep country purple for the inside corner blocks and the center circle. Also, the white shadow on the center circle is spray starch that I got a little heavy-handed when applying. It doesn’t show on the actual block but it popped up in the picture.

This is the first quilt a-long I have participated and I am finding it lots of fun to construct the blocks and seeing all the blocks from others. Each one is amazing and different. I am learning so much and look forward to Wednesdays.






I am a retired grandmother living in hot and sunny Florida. I spend most of my days doing what I love: sewing and quilting. I have a spoiled rotten Boston Terrier named Sami who keeps me busy mostly by cleaning up after her and refilling holes in the yard that she insists on digging and burying her toys. Of course then she digs them up and brings them into the house resulting guessed it...more cleaning. I will be posting pictures of Sami, quilts, flowers, and other things as they come along. Glad to have you join me.

6 thoughts on “Moda Blockheads – Block #6

  1. Hi Peggy,
    I see purple on both #6 and #7, so I guess your latest block will work well. I had to refresh my memory – I really like this block! I am looking forward to seeing this quilt come together – I imagine sometime in 2018 or so. ~smile~ Roseanne

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    1. Thanks Roseanne. The four major fabrics I’ve used were part of a package I got when my LQS closed. They were supposed to coordinate, but I wasn’t sure about the dusty purples. I hope by putting enough of them in there they will ‘blend’. 🙂

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      1. Oh, I can definitely see they will blend! I just didn’t recall you using them before, and my search revealed you have. No worries – you can always ‘enhance’ the layout with sashing if you need to add more of a color. It will turn out beautifully! ~smile~ Roseanne

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